Monday, May 31, 2010

I have now read the book Gifts from the Sea for the 3rd time on this trip...

Not only was Anne Morrow Lindbergh the first woman in America to earn a first-class glider pilot’s license in 1930, and the first woman ever to win the National Geographic Society’s Hubbard Medal, in 1934, for her aviation and exploration adventures….she knew a thing or two about love….even if her book Gifts from the Sea was written over 50 years ago….I just can’t believe I can read this book over and over and always come away with a different message depending on where I am in my life at the time... .
***When the heart is flooded with love there is no room in it for fear, for doubt, for hesitation and it is this lack of fear that makes for the dance. When each partner loves so completely that he has forgotten to ask himself whether or not he is loved in return. When he only knows that he loves and is moving to its music….then and only then are 2 people able to dance perfectly in tune to the same rhythm. (Anne Morrow Lindbergh).

I remember one of the great Florida girl trips with my Auntie’s….sitting around discussing love and marriage …Auntie Ger told me you can fall in love over and over with the same person… I didn’t understand what she was trying to explain to me, but I totally get it now….
PS Hope that is not too much sharing Auntie B……I just can’t help it…

1 comment:

  1. Deb..Thanx for bday call . Worked that day but celebrated Sunday ..80km bike ride , 18 holes of golf , bbq and bed ..Love your thoughts on all things , the boss and I would agree Mis. Morrow . Have a great June . Coach
