Monday, January 18, 2010

January 16, 2010
Got up and walked around Hood River. Bill bought a new mast. We went on a hike at Multnomah Falls which was nice. It is pretty wet here!
We stopped at a great outlet mall to just stretch out. I didn't go into too many stores....but......I just could not pass the nine west store without going in and picking up the highest more gorgeous shoes in the store...oh how I miss my heels!!! I would have tried them on if I hadn't been wearing the same clothes for the last 4 days...
We have noticed that the Walmarts in Oregon do not like rvs parking overnight, so we tried our luck at a church. We just feel asleep when the night watchman knocked on our door and asked us to move...back to Walmart we went and didn't have a problem.
We are still hearing the weather is going to be bad in California for the next week.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Deb for my birthday card and lottery know how much I love scratching tickets!!! It was so thoughtful of you to think of me even though you are so many miles away.

    Hope you are having an amazing time even though I miss you here.

    Luv Wanda
